Ari ni tadi Pengetua n Director panggil aku. First pengenalan sikit2 .Then dia teros tanya “Betol ke awak suroh pelajar bukak buku dalam exam last Thursday?”. Aku tergamam sikit. “Ada sorang bagitau yang awak suroh mereka meniru dengan bijaksana..!!” Aku bagitau r ngan jujor yang aku x suroh mana-mana student meniru dalam exam. Cuma kalau nak meniru jangan terlalu menyerlah. Kalau dah nampak sangat then aku x leh tolong r. Kalu ada yg cuba buka buku or berbincang then aku akan tegur r. Kalu dah bagi banyak warning then aku akan tangkap r.
Teringat balik masa sekolah dulu bila aku letak jawatan secara suka rela dari pengawas, then tersebar berita yg aku diletakkan jawatan pasal perangai aku terok giler (tp masa tu aku still budak baek r). Terkezot gak r masa tu bila ada sorang cikgu bagitau aku depan2 ttg issue tu. Rrupanya cikgu yg mengurus badan pengawas sekolah yg sebar cerita a.k.a cikgu yg sama merayu aku kekalkn diri dlm pengawas. Duh..
Aku x kisah pon kalu ada student yg bagitau Director benda tu. Kalu cikgu yg bagitau pon aku x ambik port. Aku blom sempat kenal semua lagi. Tapi bila fikir balik then aku yakin apa aku perlu bwat. Then tamat kelas aku teros nak jumpa pengetua. Nak bagitau keputusan aku yg akan behenti. Tp dia ada mesyuarat plak. So aku bagitau r secretary office. Dia sangat terkejut. Dia bagitau yg students form 2 sangat sayangkan aku. Aku nekad r. So pas tu aku kuar r gi window shoping (leh plak walupon realiti duit x ada). X sampai sejam ttiba dapat mesej dari Cikgu Danny (ketua Bahasa Melayu) cakap benda yg sama (giler cepat apa-apa berita tersebar kat sekolah ni). Students sayangkan aku. Dia suroh aku fikir masak2.
Aku dah fikir masak2. Sebab aku sayangkan students akulah aku pilih untuk berhenti. Sebab aku x ada kemampuan untuk bagi ilmu kpd mereka. Bila aku bagi latihan, mereka tak faham apa2. Then bila aku jujor jadi diri aku, aku akan jadi role model yg negatif pada mereka. Aku x ajar mereka benda2 jahat. Tp mereka akan belajar dari benda yg mereka lihat. Kadang2 aku x tapis apa otak aku fikir. Aku x nak bila mati nanti depan tuhan aku perlu tanggung semua ajaran x baek aku ajar pada mereka. Aku perlu bertanggung jawab pd apa yg aku bwat.
Mungkin betol kata cikgu Danny n pak guard sekolah “Jangan jadi kawan dengan students..!!” . Yap aku dah rasa bahananya. Mungkin kesalahan aku kali ni still kesalahan berulang: aku layan semua org sama as orang dewasa.
“Dear students, I do believe that some of u guys gonna read my blog. Yaa.. mostly most of u in the class already known the existing of this blog. Cuma kamu tak faham Bahasa Melayu. Saya sangat sayang kamu semua. (Sayang doesnt mean cinta between couple okey). That the reason Im quit..!!”
yakinlah dgn keputusan anda
yakin. x nak pilihan hayat lg
teacher... dun quit larh... PLS~~~
so sooo sorry...!!
bila aku bc posting ni tingat kt cite jepun apa ntah dulu...huuh...biasala j cikgu yg sporting msti budak syg n cara ko ajar tu unik...yg pnting sorg cikgu tu perlu pndi tackle anak murid dia dulu.tp itula,cara sistem pndidikan kite yg exam oriented dan terlalu skema la yg mengekang semua ni...cikgu sume kena ajar teknik sama je...huhu
betol..betol..betol..terlalu exam orientation sampai aku terkejar2 bab demi bab apa yg nak di ajar n students x dapat apa2 pasal x terkejar wei
cikguuuuuu... dun quit larh! please.... 3rd teacher liao worr... canot la!! T_T gonna miss u....
dun quittttt..
we keep changing teacher arr..
cikgu, dun quit laaa..
Your student, Andrea :)
Don't quittt! pleaseee
our 3rd teacher already arh..
take back the jobb...
everything what Andrea said :)
-Your student of 2B, Lance =)
cikguu!! we're so sorry. please dont quit lah.
dun quit plsssssss......
we're very sorry.. pls dun quit =(
gonna miss u...
cikgu pls dont quit!!!!please take back your job cikgu!!we're gonna miss you!!!please take back ur job!=(
Cikgu. Saya Oliver. Dari 2B. Saya tahu our class very noisy. BUt there are some who want you to teach. A lot of them mayb dont want to study, but some of us do. Truth is cikgu, a lot of them want you cause they think youre cool and not because you can teach. but to me cikgu, you CAN teach very well.
But ini kerja cikgu, you can choose to leave or not.
But to me cikgu, I want you to stay..
cikgu don quit la pls we really dam sry..ur da type of teahcer we nid and respect and we havnt really beeen da best but we still need u..hope u come bak and we promise u da best. if u dont hope u find a better job and life.but pls man come bak among all my teahcers ur 1 of da best and i do mean it.
Kepada guru BM Tingkatan 2 ku yang terbaik...kami tahu kelas kami bukanlah yg sebaik yg cikgu telah sangka ttpi kami boleh menukar sikap kami yg buruk minggu dulu...haiz...kami hendak cikgu kembali dan mengajar kami lagi macam minggu dahulu dengan penuh kegembiraan!!
Kami dah tahu kesalahan yg kami telah buat dan menyesal atas tindakan kami semasa ujian.Akhir kata, kami sangat sangat hendak cikgu kembali untuk mengajar kami lagi!
One more chance cikgu one more chance.
We don't want to suffer to wait for another few weeks to find a new BM teacher.He/She may not be like you,our studies may get lower because of what we did to you.We want you!We need you!We want to see your face next week...or the nextnext week but itu pilihan cikgu sama ada hendak kembali atau tidak...We love you!Even though we didnt listen sometimes, deep down we are always eager to learn more from you.
Pelajar kamu,
A.Y dari 2B
Cikgu ,
My children are your students and they consider you the best BM teacher that they have ever had. I know it's not easy on you, but please reconsider, quitting is not an option.
Cikgu , I'm Jordan of 2B. PLEASE DO NOT QUIT!
cikgu..see even JORDAN wans u to stay..and as u shud noe..jordan NEVER likes teachers..and worse..he'as asking u to stay pls la cikgu stay we're very sorry and feel guilty T_T
cikgu please dont quit...please take back your job,we're gonna miss you a lot but its your decision...T.T
wow... i just dropping by here... this entry touch my heart la.. its remind me to my cikgu... really miss her... maybe you shoudnt quit.. the students love you.. mun kmk la jdi kitak... terharu eh.... tsk...tsk..
Cikgu...we want you back not because you're cool atau apa-apa pun, we like being around/with/dgn you!Coz we love you and you're the best!
Cikgu,jangan quit la.
do you know that you're the best among all the teachers we had this year??
apa yang boleh kami buat untuk stop you from quitting?
cikgu yang baru akan datang lagi
kami tidak tahu siapa lagi yang akan mengajar kami tok
mungkin cikgu yang baik,
mungkin juga yang teruk =[
kami 100% tidak pasti laa
I know when you said we gonna cheat dengan kebijaksanaan
u didnt mean we can cheat
but there's some people who misunderstood
cikgu,bukankah banyak rintangan dalam kehidupan?
jadikan kesalahan ini satu lesson
and continue to teach again
pleasee,"cikgu AJ Makhluk Tuhan Paling Seksi"
Make sure you come back
See You Again On Monday!!!
Your Student,
Cai Yin
2B 09
iye ker nie anak murid ko mrayu2 mintak ko masuk balik mengajar???
terharu aku beb..
aku nie ntah la mcm mana nak menghadapi dunia perguruan nanti..
Guys, girls & shiori
thanks 4 the comments...
aku tau r yg ko lebih berpotensi jadi guru BI yg terbaek.. Ko cuma perlu jadi diri ko jer then aku pasti semua student pasti akan suka ko r..
WOW!!!Din't expect to have so much comment. LOL. I'm like from Primary 6, and have nth do with this, but since I'm from Primary 6 and if u don't quit, u r goin to be my future teacher. I don't know you, hw u look like. But stay lah, cuz maybe the next teacher would be like even stupid-er. So, stay lah, since so may ppl had beg you. If you think they are not sincere
To those who sincerly wants to apologize
:Kneel down on your knees and serve him a cup of tea lah.
Sincere enough???
So, stay or leave, well it's up to you...I juz hope that you are not avoiding!
lor aj....
knape kamu nie???
r u ok dude???
thanks pri 6, i do believe tht they r sincrly enough.. No need to knees n a cup of tea (even i more refer coffee than tea). They r a good students.. the probs is in me..
im okey.. cuma ada stress yg x leh nak share pd ssapa r.
teacher, i agree wat C.Y said...
pls dun quit larh...
i noe tat our class is very noisy...
give us chance, we can change...
LOL!!! Sense of humour...I would say. Coffee. Haha. Anyway, nice to have a talk with u.
Well, but they think differently...they thought the prob is with them. They thought they were the ones who made u quit. They are now blaming themselves. You need to tell them, that will be a good way if you don not want them to blame themselves.
pri6, i did mention it on the blog..
OOO, LOL, Dint see...haha
are you still quitting?
please la.
we beg you,okkk??
Your Student,
Cai Yin 2B 09
Haha, since I'm so free after the exam...I'm goin to chat with you everyday...since you have no chatbx...haha
CIKGU. dun quit arr..hahah :D
mereka SAYANG kamu..
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